Trio-playbook - Band 1 ATB / ATT / AAA / SAT / SAA

Comprehensive collection with trios from 5 centuries in partially simple, partially more difficult movements for soprano- to bass recorders. Therefor this edition accompanies every recorder trio for a long time span. Content: Sancta Maria (Dunstable) - Parce Domini (Obrecht) - Allemande (Frank) - Frau Nachtigall (Schein) - Vier Tanzsätze (Corelli) - Giga (Valentino) - Chaconne, Fuge, Allegro (Händel) - Aria, Air (Bach) - Engel-Terzett (Mendelssohn) - Es waren zwei Königskinder (Brahms) - Zwei Equale (Bruckner) a.m.m.

Heinrichshofen edition N3963

Product.Nr. N3963

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EUR 16,50