Revocation right
You can revocate our contract declaration withing two weeks without indication of reasons in written form (e.g.letter,fax,e-mail) or- if product was handed to you before end of period deadline- by returning. The period deadline starts after receiving these instructions in text form, but not before arrial of the product at recipient (when similar goods are delivered on a recurring basis, then not before receipt of the first part delivery). To observe the revocation period it is sufficient to send off the revocation or dispatch the product in time. Revocation must be sent to:
Blockflötenzentrum Bremen
Margret Löbner
Osterdeich 59A
28203 Bremen
Fon 0421-702852
Fax 0421-702337
Consequences of revocation:
To be given change in case of an effective revocation are on both sides received achievements to be sent back and any ensuing deriving benefits be returned (e.g. interest rates). If you can not give back the services completely or partially or only in impaired condition, you have to provide if applicable alue replacement. The surrendering of goods does not apply in cases where the deterioration of the goods lies exclusively in the examination, like it would have been applicable by you in store. Transportable goods have to be sent back. You have to cover the payment of return, if the delivered goods coply with the ordered and if the price of the to-be-returned good does not exceed the amount of 60 euros or if you- at a higher price of the good at the time of the revocation- hvae not received compensating measures or if you have rendered a by contract agreed partial payment. Otherwise the return is free of charge. Goods not possible to be send by package are picked up from you. Duties for the compensation of payments must be fulfilled within 30 days. The time period begins for you with sending your declaration of revocation or the goods, for us with their reception. At this time for impairments customary 20% of the purchase price are included.