Czermin / Kegley / Loos - Blockflöte spielen und lernen - Band 1

New soprano recorder school from the series "Musi und Tanz für Kinder- wir lernen ein Instrumet" for children in elementary-school-age with a comprehensive song-collection and many ideas for play and movement. With interesting topic-chapters, e.g. Schau an die Blockflöte - In unserem Musikzimmer - Spielplatz - Lieder zum Mitüben im Jahreskreis (Look at the recorder-in our playing-room- playground- Songs for practice in years cycle) a.m.m. well suited for group lessons.

Pitch range edition 1: c´ - d´´, f-sharp´

Product.Nr. ED8565

incl. 7 % VAT

EUR 15,50

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