Ertl, Barbara - Jede Menge Flötentöne - Band 1 (inkl. CD) Die Schule für Sopranblockflöte mit Pfiff

New school for children from about 6 years with many old and new songs in big note-printing, lovingly illsutrated by Wolfgang Steinmeyer. Methodic explanations for teachers the author only gives at the end of the school, they purposely renounce on written hints and exercises for the students. Two added CDs for listening and play-along enrich the school with stylish plaing in in different copositions. The tempos are purposely chosen slow, to enable children to pla along stresslessly, the pitch is a bit under a=440 Hz.

Product.Nr. VHR3617DL
delivery time: 1-2 Tage

incl. 7 % VAT

EUR 23,80